Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I'm not sure about blogging right now as I am frustrated and tired but I will give it a try. Right now it is all I have that is my own. I am exhausted and mad that I have no time for myself and no space right now. I know it is temporary but it is hard to give and give and not be able to re-fill the tank. At home I would stay up late at night and have some time to myself but between jet lag and our tiny one room space that has not been possible.

John just took Olive for a walk to help her go to sleep. I had actually walked her for about an hour after nursing her and she still wouldn't let go of today. We had a crazy day.

It started with a trip to the immigration office. We took the subway there which was cool and refreshing once we figured out the ticket machines with the help of a sweet korean attendant. Of course we finally found the office only to discover we had forgotten our extra passport pictures that we needed for the alien registration card application. They had a machine there but we didn't have enough cash for all of us to get photos so just John and I got them as it seemed from one of the signs in English that the girls might not need photos.

We filled out our applications and took a number then once we were at the window we found out the girls needed applications and photos and we needed more money to do both. We also needed to pay a fee for the cards so off to find a cash machine. Which seems easy enough but it has to be a machine that will accept international cards so that took awhile.

We finally got all the pictures and went back to the window then she sent us to another window to pay and then she told us to come back on the 13th to pick up our passports and id cards. It was quite a long visit to the office especially with Olive along for the ride. When we took her photo she did not understand the machine at all and the photo is of her crying - kind of funny and kind of sad. The official at the office definitely snickered when she saw it.

After that adventure we were all hungry and we found a kind of cheap place that was really beautiful in an alleyway. We ordered bi bim bap for John and I and John asked if the buckwheat noodle soup was not spicy (in Korean- yay John) after being assured it was not spicy we ordered it for Netta. But of course when it arrived it had peppers floating in the broth. Another pricey meal paid for and not eaten --uuugghh.
Olive then fell asleep in the stroller and John took her back to the Officetel while Netta and I wandered around Insadong looking for art museums. The only one we found cost too much for us so we just window shopped and then headed home on the subway. It was nice to have some time with Netta when I was not concerned that Olive would fall in a pond or open a package or just run away.
That was our big adventure for today. Pretty fun but I am wiped out. A lot of walking - which I keep telling myself is really good for me but is still kicking my tired butt.

I guess I feel a bit better - thanks blog.


  1. Hi Elana,

    "Eirene" told me to come check out your blog, so I can vicariously return to my hometown through you.

    You might also want to check out Konglish Kids at http://konglishkids.wordpress.com/ as Jooliyah is also going through a similar transition. She is moving to Daegu with her military husband.

    I am blown away that there is a Craigs List in Seoul, as you mentioned in one of your previous posts.

  2. Hi Elana and family!-

    My friend who travels internationally says that "spicy" is relative :-S so instead try saying that she has a "sensitive stomach" or that she has a "stomach ache" and hopefully they will tone down the heat!
