Sunday, November 28, 2010


I will go back to blogging - I will - I will.

Sorry to have been lagging so long. The trouble with photos has been getting me down and keeping me away from the blog.

But I will do it soon - not now as it is 12:30 am, but soon.

We had our first snow today - we looked up and saw sweet soft white flakes falling from the sky - beautiful - Netta was thrilled.

I will be back soon - I promise.

1 comment:

  1. Hey there y'all! I just read the entire blog, back to September 1st. I read your lives backwards, but I mined the blog for massive details to put in Netta's official records. She is getting the education of a lifetime! It was so fun to travel with you through so many adventures. I hope Olive got the rest of her cast off. Happy New Year!
    Love from Santa Cruz
