Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Not a good day

So here I am back as promised but for all the wrong reasons. I have news to tell and it is not good news. Olive broke her tiny little ankle. She has a cast. She went down the slide at our local park just a little too fast. The first night we did not take her to the hospital as it was late and we thought it might just be a bad sprain. Although I have to say it was just as others have told me about kids and broken bones - she kept on crying longer than usual. But we waited until today and then went first to the acupuncturist who needled her and then sent us to have it x-rayed. It was x-rayed and found to be broken - not all the way through the bone about 3/4 of the way through and then the doctor put a cast on it. A big cast - not sure how life will be with the cast on. I'm kind of nervous as it was impossible for Olive to sit in her high chair tonight and the top of the cast was hurting as it pressed on her leg. The doctor said 3-4 months although we are hoping this was wrong and a miscommunication/ language confusion. She will go back for a check-up in one week so hopefully it will be cleared up then.

We have a guest now and so I will sign off with that short post. Sorry for the crazy news.

We are all fine otherwise and Olive is a trooper - she did great laughing through it all and letting everyone prick her and wrap her.

I'll write more soon and post pictures now.


  1. I'm sending you all loving thoughts. I'm thinking you are in good hands there medically speaking. Somehow I just believe that they may know a thing or two about healing. Love you you all. Donna

  2. Thanks for the sweet words Donna - it is strange to try to surrender to the caregivers here but I agree that they seem to know quite a bit about healing.
