Monday, March 14, 2011

몽게 ("mongke") a.k.a. sea squirts

Here are 몽게 in the main market for our part of Seoul, next to some of their seafood friends. Clams of various sizes, octopuses, squid, other shellfish of some kind, and the red, bumpy 몽게 which are known in English by the unpromising "sea squirts." I've been seeing these alien creatures in the markets for a long time, but it took a while to get up the courage to buy some.

몽게 are high in iodine, which is useful information if you need to protect yourself from possible radiation leaks from astonishingly destructive natural disasters that you may be downwind of.
The skin is tough and leathery, encasing a squishy interior. Obviously, you can't push hard with a knife, or it will spray everywhere.
That's why you use scissors. Kitchen scissors are common knowledge in Korea. How many of you back home use them? The best kitchen scissors can easily be disassembled for cleaning.
Anyhow, you snip the skin, and peel it back like a lychee, revealing some orange flesh and quite a bit of strange looking liquid.
It's kind of like a raw oyster...
kind of.
Tapatio was a good guess, but sriracha would have been more on target. Or some sauce with fresh chiles and soy sauce and sesame oil ... something like that.
몽게 are ok raw. I would characterize it's flavor "tide-pooley." I will definitely try them again, but next time with a bottle of soju nearby, and a more asian-type hot sauce. I'm pretty sure you can find them in a Korean market. Maybe Staff will get them if you explain about the iodine?

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